About Osiris Project

The main goal of the Osiris project is to respond to the challenges of meeting the needs of ageing populations that the governments of the Baltic Sea countries are currently facing, particularly, in the provision of age-friendly housing, transportation, leisure, healthcare, and social welfare services. In addition, increased life expectancy deepens concerns about the adequate supply of essential services and the level of well-being of seniors.



Smart Silver Labs

The main output of Osiris project is a collaboration platform, based on an innovation ecosystem model – Smart Silver Lab (SSL). It will connect researchers, product developers, financiers, and user organizations into a network and enables all innovation actors to screen and accelerate the uptake of innovative products and services enabling older adults to continue living a comfortable, independent and active life.


SSL is based on the Smart Silver Framework (SSF), which allows a quadruple helix approach to innovation management within the knowledge economy. The quadruple helix approach emphasizes collaboration between business, academia, policymakers and senior citizens organizations to tackle the challenges posed by increasing demand for solutions and products aimed at the senior population within the Baltic region.


Frequently asked questions



What are Smart Silver Labs (SSL)?


SSL is an innovation ecosystem model to tackle challenges related to the Silver economy with an online collaboration platform to accelerate the creation of new solutions and products aimed at the ageing population.


How will Smart Silver Labs Work?


SSL will bring together innovation actors from business, academia, policymakers, and senior citizens and give them a platform and tools required for effectively responding to challenges of the Silver economy.



How will I or my organization benefit from participation in the development of Smart Silver Labs?


You will participate in a socially responsible and impactful project that will allow you to be at the forefront of developing solutions and products with high demand and tangible benefits for the ageing population of the Baltic Region.
