Workshops: Silver Financing Mechanism

 In Estonia, Event

WP5 GA5.1: Developing Silver Financing Mechanism

10th September 2020


Finding smart silver financing mechanisms, Tallinn

There were 11 participants (3 virtually/online and 8 physically) in this 2 hour meeting in Tallinn University of Technology, Innovation and Business Centre “Mektory”, including two very interesting guests who introduced their business stories: CareMate OÜ and Enlife OÜ. These guests talked about their experiences and how they find funding and financing for their companies.


The purpose of the workshop was to find and validate the framework for smart silver financing mechanisms in Estonia. Through this workshop and 6 interviews that were conducted with different Quadruple Helix Actors, we are positively looking forward to find new ways to funding and financing for our Digital Silver Hub, which is the main outcome from this work package.